You will be a guest in my boat and your safety is my number one priority, but with any activity there could be accidents, so for insurance and legal reasons all guests will be required to read and sign a copy of this agreement, which I will provide, prior to leaving the docks. If these terms and conditions aren’t to your liking and you do not wish to sign the agreement, or someone in your party doesn’t wish to sign, then the day will be cancelled. If you have any questions regarding this agreement please contact me.
Georgian Bay Musky Charters and Andrew Grant Waiver of all Claims, Release from Liability and Assumption of Risks and Monetary Agreement
My signature on this form constitutes my acceptance and understanding of the terms, conditions, and information contained herein. I further understand and accept that the activities I am partaking in involve risks, which may include, among other things, personal injury or death and damage to or loss of property.
Definition of Activities: to be a guest on and off Andrew Grant's vessel which can/do include transportation, fishing, fishing instruction, fish handling, handling of sharp hooks, motorized boating, swimming and as a fishing partner and guest of Andrew Grant for the times agreed upon.
In consideration of the benefits to be derived from my participation of the activities with Andrew Grant on or aboard his vessel or any area used for or during the time the activities are being performed I understand and accept all risks of personal injury or death and property damage arising from the participation by me as well as all other members of my party and family and I hereby agree that I, my dependents, heirs, friends, executors do release and hold harmless Andrew Grant who does business as Georgian Bay Musky Charters from any and all claims of illness, bodily injury, death or property damage and loss, however caused, natural or otherwise, arising from or related to this activity.
Further, by signing this form I certify that I do not have any physical, mental or other condition or disability that would create a hazard for me or anyone else participating in the activities.
Due to the detailed and specialized information provided by Andrew Grant I also understand and accept to never commercially guide, charge for, or make money from commercial fishing or sport fishing on Georgian Bay, Ontario or within 25 kilometers from its shorelines or any other waters fished by Andrew Grant unless approved in writing from Andrew Grant. I also agree never to publicly divulge, repeat, publish or make known the information, locations and techniques provided by, learned from or taught by Andrew Grant without written consent and that all information is considered trade secrets and property of Andrew Grant and Georgian Bay Musky Charters and is only approved for personal use of the participants involved.
I also understand and agree that all moneys paid to Andrew Grant/Georgian Bay Musky Charters are solely for, and intended for the rental and use of fishing gear, safety equipment, release equipment, and fishing tackle which includes lures, lines, rods and reels. It is also agreed and understood that all fishing activities are provided free as a guest on my vessel or shoreline provided by Andrew Grant/Georgian Bay Musky Charters and is understood and agreed that no money or compensation is paid for any type of commercial fishing, fishing charters or fishing guiding services or transportation services and all participants are guests and friends or acquaintances of Andrew Grant and not passengers or paid passengers.
It is also understood that all rental and gear is to be returned in full when the activities are finished for the day or at the end of the rental period. All moneys transferred include HST.
It is understood and agreed that all acts or conditions determined to be unsafe or unlawful will immediately terminate the continuation of all activities provided by Andrew Grant/Georgian Bay Musky Charters.
I have carefully read these terms and conditions of this waiver agreement, and I understand, agree and will abide by everything as stated herein or elsewhere published by Andrew Grant (dba:/ Georgian Bay Musky Charters).
I have carefully read, clearly understood, and voluntarily sign this Waiver of Liability and agreement of terms and conditions.
Date _______________________
Guest 1 _________________________________________
Print Name ______________________________________
Guest 2 __________________________________________
Print Name ______________________________________
Guest 3 __________________________________________
Print Name ______________________________________
Signature of Andrew Grant: __________________________________________________